We are honest and transparent, effectively managing resources entrusted to us, and in turn, investing in the people and communities we serve.
"Our most important goal is job placement,"
says Quincy Roseborough. “When folks start working, when they’re gainfully employed, it helps to create more peaceful and vibrant communities.” Quincy’s work has consistently involved job development and community building, and in his 14 years at Metropolitan he’s seen how they are inextricably linked as elements of economic stability.
“COVID-19 has created an opportunity to be innovative in our service delivery,” shares Quincy. “These tools are already there, people are learning how to use these things online. It’s not impossible, it’s just unthinkable – until we think of it.”
“This is what we signed up for; this is what we want to do.”
The new graduates of our Calumet Center’s Certified Medical Administrative Assistant Training Program have all passed their state licensing exam and are working with our Financial Opportunity Center to find employment in healthcare fields at a critical time.
“No matter what you present to them, they’re hungry for it,” shares Program Manager Jackie Morris of the additional barrier our graduates overcame by embracing the shift to online learning. “They want to learn how to consume the information, adapt it into the industry and into their life.”

How do you teach construction online?
Jesse Hinton, supervisor of our Calumet Center’s YouthBuild Program, sent construction videos and discussed them over Zoom, while expanding the program’s focus on mentorship and leadership.
Anyone can teach you how to swing a hammer and use a drill, but to get you to use life skills? That’s a whole other deal.